In late 2023, Memphis Public Schools faced significant challenges: the district had been without a Superintendent for over a year, accountability issues plagued the school board, and student performance metrics showed worrying trends. Families had growing concerns about literacy, math proficiency, chronic absenteeism, and school safety. Sharing the beliefs that all children deserve access to a high-quality education and that everyone’s voice in a community should be heard, P.A.C.E. partnered with The Memphis Lift to grow a base of advocates who could amplify their community’s concerns as Memphis searched for its next superintendent. Our campaign also aimed to position The Memphis Lift as a critical advisory voice to the new superintendent on community priorities for Memphis Schools.
The campaign’s key strategies focused on digital lead generation to recruit parent advocates and leaders who would take online and offline actions on behalf of The Memphis Lift. Notably, The Lift’s organizing program was set up to mobilize parents to school board meetings, superintendent hearings, and other pivotal events.
The campaign’s success can be attributed to the authentic and compelling conversations held with community members. Key highlights of those conversations include:
This incredible effort resulted in community members feeling heard and motivated to take action.
1,120 members of the Memphis community signing onto this effort and joining The Memphis Lift’s campaign;
670 community members conversations led by The Lift in which organizer asked them what their priorities are for the future of MSCS schools and to commit to take action to make sure we increase the number of Memphis students reading at or above grade level;
Online surveys completed by 244 community members in response to the the question: “What top concerns for your child’s education do you want to see the next superintendent address?”
Commitments from 466 individuals committing to take action with The Lift.
Attendance by 225 people at The Memphis Lift’s Fireside Chat With Powerful Parents and Powerful Leaders featuring incoming MSCS Superintendent Dr. Marie N. Feagins where community members, Dr. Feagins, and other leaders discussed the main issues that surfaced through the surveys conducted by The Lift: reading/literacy, low test scores and graduation rates, and safety.
We are proud of this partnership and believe that further family and community engagement by The Memphis Lift Team will likely lead to stronger leadership within Memphis Public Schools, enhanced accountability within the school board and district administration, and greater overall impact.