Working While “Momming”

In today’s distracted world, where every minute counts and priorities often jostle for attention, prioritization is not just a skill—it’s a survival tool. In my six years at P.A.C.E. in various roles, I’ve come to appreciate the critical role that effective prioritization plays in achieving results at our fast-paced organization and for our partners. And so much of what I’ve learned has been while our world and work structures have changed dramatically and I’ve welcomed a new human into my life as a Mom. In this blog post I’ll share three practical strategies, drawing from professional and personal experiences as a new-ish Mom juggling various responsibilities.

The Eisenhower Matrix: A Blueprint for Prioritization

Named after President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who famously said, “what is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important,” the Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful tool for distinguishing between tasks based on their urgency and importance. By categorizing tasks into four quadrants, the matrix allows you to make informed, but sometimes tough, decisions about where to allocate your time and energy in a given day or week. As a Mom, I’ve found the Eisenhower Matrix invaluable in helping me prioritize my life at work and home. By focusing on what’s truly important and delegating or deferring less critical tasks, I’m able to maintain a sense of balance with a very full plate. Below is a template for the Eisenhower Matrix and a sample of how I use it.

Time Blocking: Lasering in for 20 minutes

In a world where constant connectivity and the relentless ping of email, Slack and text notifications threaten to hijack your attention, you have to find a way to stay focused on the most critical tasks. One practical strategy I and others on our team have adopted is setting a timer for 20-30 minutes to silence notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and be fully immersed in the task at hand. Whether working on a draft campaign plan or engaging in prospective funder research, carving out these blocks of time has helped me be more productive and creative. I’ve learned you can accomplish a lot in 20 minutes! By time blocking, I’m better equipped to show up fully at work and home.

Leveraging Time-Tracking Apps: Gaining Insight into Time Management Patterns

Time-tracking apps like Clockify and Harvest offer a valuable tool for monitoring how you spend your time, identifying areas of inefficiency, and making data-driven decisions about resource allocation so you can adjust workflow accordingly. Whether it’s reducing time spent on administrative tasks by leveraging powerful AI tools or increasing focus on high-impact projects, you can optimize productivity and make informed decisions about where to invest time and energy. Plus, you can hold yourself accountable for finding 10 minutes for a walk or other movement to keep yourself centered!

By prioritizing what truly matters, adopting smart tools and technology, and aligning our actions with our values, we can achieve greater efficiency and impact in our work, ultimately advancing our collective mission to create change. In doing so, we hopefully become more resilient and fulfilled individuals and set a positive example for future generations of leaders in this work.